Running out of fossil fuels is not a matter of if but when. We believe in a future where choosing between people, planet & profit doesn’t have to be a zero-sum game.

Climate transparency

Our mission is to design and build tools that we need to manage climate change. We believe it is important to make the scope and impact of our products transparent to avoid greenwashing the objective. Energy cohorts contribute around 80% of all CO2 emissions therefore transitioning to renewables is absolutely critical for reducing the impacts of a climate collapse. Our carbon accounting will be available soon here.

With reserving Digital Solar, while you get clean energy credits, you are also enabling communities and businesses of all sizes to participate in that transition. But this alone is not the solution to mitigating climate change. Depending on your lifestyle and where you live, a positive climate action comprises a collection of behavioral and systemic change. To move forward in that direction, we are building and expanding our resource library for climate action which you can check out below. It would be awesome if you could contribute by adding more relevant information into it :)

Climate Action Resource

Impact a community

From computers in schools to lighting in a hospital, power has a profound effect on all our lives. With Reserving Digital Solar, you are enabling affordable and clean energy for communities and businesses of all sizes.

Change begins at home. Our first project, produces the power to run our workspace. Get benefits of hosting at your workspace and spread the word within your circles.

A different way to platform

Our approach to capital mechanisms is that it should not come in the expense of the planet or the well-being of the people. When you pay for reserving a portion of the digital solar panels, you are entrusting us to caretake the solar asset on your behalf. To ensure that, we designed our capital structure to be aligned with the system performance.

We invest a significant amount for the digital solar panels in the same system as you do. This ties our revenue generation with the performance of the system, thus creating an incentive in our financial model for us to ensure your reserved digital solar panel’s system is operating at its peak and maintained well at all times.

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