Community Spaces on WhatsApp is a forum for dedicated conversations around SundayGrids solar projects. We believe that to build and scale community solar projects, while the solar and technology layer is critical, the community layer is crucial for adoption.
Our goal here is to bring in a very high level of transparency, tangibility and trust for our users with their digital solar, that is if not better, then at par with what is possible with traditional solar on rooftops.
And goes without saying, in these spaces, we all are interacting with other people. Amazing folks in fact, those really excited about technology and cares deeply about our collective future, but nevertheless, people. So its critical to be self-moderating and patient in conversations. In other words, lets be nice.
To begin with, the following features are what we would like to kick-off with.
Features at Launch
- Monthly WeatherNotes: Users will be able to get a monthly report on the power production, how does it compare with the newly launched Secured Generation values, also see how panels from the project fared in different weather conditions.
- Schedules: We are bringing in multiple stakeholders like our collaborators from the host-side, those who operate and maintain the panels. With this, users would be able to get near-realtime updates on when the panels are cleaned, and that the general upkeep is up to date.
- Documents: Each project has a collective of documents that were previously only available on the web platform. Along with the initial documents, users in community spaces will soon have a preview of billing processed with the host. Our aim with this is to increase the governance and transparency into matters of reservation and credits for our users.
- Support: In case of any project level issues or troubleshooting, our team will be of assistance within these spaces, so feel free to reach out 👋